Providing Inventory Clerks With the Right Tools to Master Inventories

AIP (Approved Inventory Professional) is an organisation that aims to educate inventory professionals in the requirements of an inventory report from the perspective of both an arbitration service as well as that of a Property Manager, Landlord and Tenant.

About AIP (Approved Inventory Professional)

Industry Leading Inventory Clerk Training and Education

AIP achieves this with both initial training of new clerks, as well as cutting edge training days where our years of industry knowledge are passed on, ensuring a clerk is aware of precisely how to layout an inventory report clearly, with all information included. Incorporated in this state of the art training is also direction on how to place any liability, as well as education on the procedures and dialogue with tenants, landlords and representatives when at a property; to ensure that the language used at this stage is correct, ensuring all parties are aware of the processes.

Aip Clerks Are Trained To The Highest Inventory Standard, With A Genuine Understanding Of The Intricate Requirements Of The Process As A Whole, Setting Them Apart From A Standard Inventory Clerk

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