Letting Agents and Interim Property Visits

Property Visits or Mid Term Inspections happen throughout the tenancy and check on the maintenance and general condition of the property. By visiting the properties frequently throughout the tenancy you can check that nothing untoward is happening and catch any issues that could become large money pits. There are numerous areas within a rental property […]

How to keep an eye on your property as a Landlord

There are many areas within your rental property that require frequent checks and the list grows, the larger the property is. Property visits are midterm inspections to check on the maintenance and condition of the property, as well as ensuring nothing untoward is taking place. They occur every three to six months, this ensures that […]

Property Visits, Why are they so useful?

Both Check Ins/ Out and Inventories are common practice in today’s world, but Property Visits fall to the wayside. Our question is why? By completing a Check In and Inventory at the start of tenancy you are making sure that the property is habitable and in a good state of living for the new tenant. […]

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